Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 6 - 14 April 2011

This place on Mount Zion is the traditional site of the tomb of King David, and holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. On the ground level are several Jewish synagogues, and the site is one of the most Holiest Jewish places.
King David was buried at about 1000BC, probably in the area south of the present walled city, where the "city of David" was located. This is what the Bible tells us (1 Kings 2: 9): "So David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David". Other Kings from the house of David were buried there too, as implied in Nehemiah 3 :16: "...the sepulchres of David..."
After several centuries the tombs were probably destroyed and buried under the newly expanding city.

The Hagia Maria Sion Abbey (also the Basilica of the Dormition) is a relatively new church (finished in 1910) commemorating the death of the Virgin Mary. The Basilica houses religious interpretations from around the world (including a Virgen de la Guadalupe from Mexico), and a crypt where Mary supposedly lived and died. The crypt holds a coffin with the figure of Mary resting on top.

Jesus had his Last Supper in this room
This large hall, supported by three pillars that divide the room into three naves, recalls the significant events as told in the Gospels: the Eucharist during the Last Supper, Jesus’ appearance before the Apostles after His Resurrection and the descent of the Holy Spirit over the Apostles at Pentecost.

Dip in Dead Sea
The Dead Sea (Yam Hamelakh -- "The Salt Sea") is the lowest place on earth, roughly 1,300 feet (400 meters) below sea level. It is 34 miles (55 km.) long and varies between 11 miles (18 km.) and 2 miles (3 km.) in width. The Sea is 1,400 feet (430 m.) deep. This unique sea is fed by the Jordan River. There is no outflow; and the exceptionally high rate of evaporation (high temperatures, low humidity) produces large quantities of raw chemicals. These are extracted and exported throughout the world for use in medicine, agriculture and industry. The Dead Sea is actually shrinking. The southern end is now fed by a canal maintained by the Dead Sea Works, a company that converts the Sea's raw materials, particularly phosphates, into commercial products.

Visitors can float effortlessly on the waters of the Dead Sea due to its concentration of minerals, which is the highest in the world. The air is extremely dry, and temperatures are high throughout the year (max. 86° [30° C]) during winter, and 104° [40° C]) during summer) making the Dead Sea a destination for visitors 365 days a year. Floating is a novelty that makes visiting the Dead Sea a kick, but most visitors come for the therapeutic value of the mud and salt water. People with skin disorders such as psoriasis and ailments such as arthritis have found relief from treatments using the Sea's natural resources. Oh, and if you have an open cut or sore, be forewarned, the salt water stings.

Underground Cave where Jesus was jailed before Crucifiction
Undergroud caves were discovered in 1889, their physical characteristics, proximity to Caiaphas Palace, and their contiguity to the sacred pit (dungeon), suggested public jail where according to 4th Centuary Jerusalem tradition not recorded in gospels Jesus would have been, scourged not only by Pilate but also by Caiaphas and where the apostles Peter and John would have been held and scourged for preaching the name of Jesus in the temple dread after resurrection (Acts 5 :19)

Aided by the context, Christians traditionally recall some of the painful sufferings endured by Jesus Christ during his Passions.

Jesus Carried his cross this way-  now stands as Market place

Most important place we have been to was the way where Jesus carried his cross before he was being crucified. Due to over population the sacred placehas sort of become a market place and tourist shops.Due to too much walking and swollen feet, I could not go and see the way of the cross stations. The photos are taken by my husband. (You won't be surprised if they are of poor quality (0;

Oldest City in the world - Entering Jericho
On this day, we drove through the desert to Jericho. It was absolute wilderness and I wondered how Jesus walked all the way to Jericho. Here we saw important Tree where Zacchaeus climed to see Jesus. We also saw Mount of Temptation - The summit of Mount of Temptation, rising to a height of 350 meters above sea level and commanding a magnificent and panoramic view of the Jordan Valley, is the site where Jesus spent forty days and forty nights fasting and meditating during the temptation of Satan, about 3 km northwest of Jericho.

"... Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve" Matthew(4, 8-10).

Mt of Temptation where Satan Tested Jesus

Jericho is believed to be one of, if not the oldest cities in the world. It was the first city captured by the Israelites after their 40 years of wandering in the desert after the exodus from Egypt. Ironically, Jericho (along with the Gaza Strip) was the first territory given to the Palestinians by Israel as part of their peace agreement in 1994.

Jericho sits between Mt. Nebo in the east, the Central Mountains to the west and the Dead Sea to the south. In addition to these natural fortifications, Jericho also benefited from natural irrigation afforded by the Jordan River approximately four miles to the west, and from underground tributaries from the Central Mountains which fed her famous oasis. This irrigation resulted in teeming plant life and helped to transform Jericho into a flowing sea of green in an otherwise barren desert. Besides being old, Jericho is also one of the lowest cities in the world, about 800 feet (244 m) below sea level.

Behind us Sycamore Tree where Zacchaeus climbed to see Jesus
"And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. (Luke 19:1-10)
We had lunch here and did some Dead sea product shopping at Jericho.
JERICHO - Photos

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